Institutional Liquidity

Elevate your trading with Surya's institutional liquidity in Forex, Commodities, Stock Indices, and CFDs. We cater to brokers seeking international market access, offering highly customizable solutions that prioritize transparency and quality execution at a competitive cost.
Tailored solutions to meet specific broker needs.
Competitive Pricing
Cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.
Access to Tier 1 Banks
We ensure access to multiple tier 1 global banks, maintaining
a leading service.
Cutting-Edge Technology
Our state-of-the-art pricing and execution software ensure
low-latency, reliable, and highly scalable offerings.
MT4 Platform Services

Enjoy MT4 benefits without upfront costs. Surya offers clients a
branded and reliable MT4 experience, equivalent to having their
own server.
Customization Options
Apply custom spreads, commissions, and group settings.
Web-Based Reporting Platform
Receive customized reporting via our user-friendly web-based
Reliable Hosting
Our MT4 servers are hosted in highly reliable data centers,
ensuring optimal performance. Surya makes your trading platform
as reliable as your ambitions.
about Surya Anugrah Mulya?